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  • ​​First hand job shadowing to get the proper education needed outside of the classroom
  • Specific on-site training
  • Involved in real life situations to be better prepare themselves.
  • Gaining the ultimate experience; willing to change average minds to refined thinkers. 

WHAT is it all about

We use experiences through everyday lives to challenge the minds of everyday students to take on the world. We will use world class, hands on technology, out of the classroom experiences and incorporating old fashioned learning techniques to transform students into optimus individuals.

OU Inspiring talks

We use the newest forms technology at OptimusU mixed with classroom learning because we think that people need to get the all-around college experience with hands on learning techniques. We want them to expand their minds beyond today's technology. We expect our students to learn and master more than one subject so they can excel in any career they choose. 

Eugene, Oregon

Boulder, Colorado

​​Optimus University

"Transforming yesterday's minds into tomorrows future."

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